Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Life is busy and because I do not have time to organize a post, today's offering will be a melange.

I went out to SJC on Saturday morning because the homecoming schedule said that Drexel Hall was open. However, the woman at the reception desk said that only the first floor was open, and because that is the uninteresting part, I left.

I went over to the campus to watch the marching band rehearse their performances for the football game. A couple band members came late and were apparently told to leave because they left. While I was watching, I noticed what appeared to be a blob of gum attached to the wall of the Science Building. Closer inspection revealed a frog, probably another Gray Tree Frog. They can match grey and green, but not brick red.
I had intended to go back to the campus in the afternoon, but the heavy rain discouraged me. The football game was called in the third quarter because of weather. On Sunday I saw that one of the tents for the alumni gathering had partially collapsed. I wondered if there had been more wind than I had experienced.
 Today Town and Country Paving was paving the roads in the western part of Weston Cemetery. They are not the company that was paving city streets last week. Work on the BP station is approaching completion. Here is was it looked like about a week ago.
 Here is a more recent photo showing that the concrete for the parking and gas lanes is finished. I asked when it would be open and was told next week.
 In the background is eMbers, which last night had a concert by a singer, Charlotte Sometimes, who does not normally visit venues as small as Rensselaer.

 This morning workers were painting the exterior of Walmart and installing new signs. Inside Walmart is devoting a lot more space to food. Since the store has not added space, I wonder what items are being eliminated.
 On the way back into town I noticed three guys hawking CDs. I thought one of them might be Mikel Knight the Country Rap King, but was told that he was with a different van somewhere else. I had never heard of the guy, but he does the music for some show of MTV about hillbillies running wild. (I was given the name, but do not remember what it is.) They said that some of the proceeds were going to support women and children shelters. After I got home, I wondered if they had a permit for doing what they were doing, or if anyone in the mall knew about what they were doing.
You never know what you will see in Rensselaer.


  1. It has now been 43 years since I was born at Jasper County Hospital. I still wonder how my life would be different had I never left Indiana.

  2. Nonoone knew what they were doing when questioned about being allowed to be there they immediately would leave and go to another location, then would go back an hour later. I do not believe they were truly with the artist either.

  3. They are sent out to locations by Mikel Knight to Hawk CD's. These kids are run into the ground, 6:30am to midnight and there have been wrecks because of it, and he does not care about them at all.


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