Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chickens (updated)

I do not have much today, just a couple things from the Internet. First, Fair Oaks Farms has confirmed that they are considering adding chickens to their campus.They posted the picture below on their Facebook page.
Of course if you are a faithful reader of this blog, you knew this already.

Tomorrow (Nov 21) the BP station near the river will have a grand opening and will give you a chance to win gas cards. They will also have free food from 1:00 until 4:00.

I was told that the Christmas street decorations are up downtown. I will have to check them out tomorrow.

Update: The Facebook page of Rensselaer Adventures made it to 600 likes!

Another Update: Fair Oaks Farms will be hosting the South Shore Air Show in 2014, See the announcement here ore here. I have only been to air shows in Indianapolis, so I do not know how an airshow works when it is not at an airport. The Indianapolis Air Show is no more--my son told me why a while back, but I do not remember the reason. Somehow Riley Hospital for Children was part of the story. You can see what I thought of the Indianapolis Air Show here.

The Youtube video of the press conference is here.

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