Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ribbon cutting at the Jasper County Youth Center

On Tuesday the Families of JCYC had a ribbon cutting to commemorate the re-organization of the Jasper County Youth Center. Last fall Gibault announced that they would no longer sponsor the Center. Several months of uncertainty resulted as parents, staff, and county officials struggled to find a way to keep the Center open. Finally, a new group, the Families of JCYC, organized and announced that they would run the center.
After the ribbon cutting those who wanted a tour of the facility were shown around the building. From the room in which the ribbon cutting was held, hallways lead west and north. Our group followed the hallway north, passing by an office or two and a two or three classrooms. All the class rooms in the building have a door to the outside. I think this was a room for two-year olds, but was not currently being used.
On the northeast corner of the building was a room for infants. There were three infants there, and each had his or her own crib. Each also had a high chair. State regulations require an adult for each four infants.
At the north end of the hallway was a large open area.
Below is the large open area looking to the south. We had come up the hallway on the left and would go back via the hallway on the right. The space between hallways was used for children's bathrooms and other non-classroom purposes.
Below is the room for the five-year olds, the pre-Kindergarten room. Enrollment was small this year, and the staff thought that the uncertainty about the future of the Center diminished enrollments as parents sought out other options. As we left, the children were coming back in and were going to have nap time.
At the south end of the west hallway was a kitchen. All meals are prepared here, but they are served in the classrooms.
In addition to providing care for pre-school children, the Center also provides after-school care for grade school children. They ride the bus to the Center after school and stay until their parents pick them up. The room they use is separated from the pre-school area and is on the south end of the building, as you can tell from the sunshine on the floor.


  1. Wow, that is a wonderful tour. Wish I had been there. Congratulations to the crew that has kept it going.

  2. Great article! It is a neat glimpse into our childcare center! Thank you for coming to the ribbon cutting and thank you for sharing! :)


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