Saturday, December 14, 2013

We will have a white Christmas

Because the weather forecast put us in the middle of the heaviest band of snow from this weekend's winter storm, one of the television stations from Chicago sent a news team to Rensselaer to find out how we were coping. The snow is expected to stop this afternoon. The forecast is for continued cold weather for the next couple weeks, so we are pretty much guaranteed a white Christmas.

The snow did not deter runners from participating in the annual Rudolph Run this morning. You can tell who the serious runners were by what they did not wear.
Amtrak was late and crossed the race course before the runners finished. Some of them beat the train and others did not. I did not hear if any were actually delayed. Below you see the first two finishers who were the first male and first female finishers. The girl is the runner who led Twin Lakes to a twelfth place finish in the state cross country meet this year. 
A day or two ago I took the picture below from the Talbert Bridge showing the extent of icing on the Iroquois river. There was no open water looking downstream, but there was some on the other side of the bridge.
The same view is prettier this morning with the fresh snow in the trees.
It is a good day to stay at home.

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