Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Returning to normal

The area is starting to return to normal winter today as the temperature rises and the wind dies down. As I am writing this, it is a balmy 14 degrees Fahrenheit. Note the limp flag in Bicentennial Park. It was still too cold to stick your tongue on it, but walking outside was easier today than it was two days ago.
 The Iroquois River did not freeze all the way as it went through downtown, but a bit further downstream it was frozen over. This is the view from the Talbert Bridge this morning.
 The city is now moving snow in trucks instead of in front of them. I am not sure where the snow was coming from but it was probably going out to the old pump stations on Bunkum Road.
The schools were all closed but most businesses and government offices were open today. The Snow Emergency for Jasper County ended this morning at 5:00 am. The roads are still slick and hazardous.

I saw on Facebook that the fire department had to fight a fire last night. Also, the Journal and Courier has an article about what Fair Oaks Dairies are doing with the milk that is being produced. Because the roads were closed, they have had to dump the milk--they do not have enough storage capacity to hold it.

And while we are still thinking cold thoughts, take a look at something that is really cold--surfing on Lake Superior in the winter. (I took a dip in Lake Superior on the Fourth of July many years ago--the water was so cold that it was painful to even go in.)

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