Saturday, January 18, 2014

Something white, something old

The snow just keeps coming. We will get several more inches of light, fluffy snow today on top of the inch or two that we got earlier this week, and that is in some places on top of the hard snow that the thaw over last weekend did not melt. That thaw cleared the roads but now they will be snow covered and slippery again.
I took the picture above to illustrate the snow because while sorting through old pictures I found the picture below. It was taken sometime after 1974. It can probably be dated by the stores that were in the buildings.
You can see the Mary Lou Shop, then a sign I cannot read on the original (I had a cheap little camera back then that did not take very good pictures), then a couple little stores, then a RCA dealer, then Eilers Electric with the Zenith sign. (Eilers were neighbors, so I remember their store.)
 A year or two ago I recall a conversation in which people were talking about how at one time the Knights of Columbus rented the third story of one of these buildings. The buildings burned in a fire, but I do not remember the year.

The court house looks nice whether it is covered in snow or if it is sunny. Again, I took this picture for a comparison.
 This picture of the Court House was on the same roll of film as the street scene above. The Court House has not changed much, but notice how in the old picture there are no trees. Also, there are parking meters on the street--remember those? (My kids sometimes walked into them when they were very small.)
Usually January is a quiet month with little going on, but this year the Arctic Vortex has provided a lot to write about, both the weather itself and its effects, especially on the Rensselaer library. I expect there will be a lot less to write about for the second part of the month.

A few items I noticed: I got a message that Maggie's Jazzy Cuts has moved from its location across from R&M but forgot to check it out when I was downtown today.

Over in Newton County the Newton County Park Board sponsored an ice fishing derby. Fair Oaks Farms put up two videos on how they survived the Arctic Vortex, here and here.

Rensselaer made the front page of the Indianapolis Star last week. There was some discussion here.

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