Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Another snow day (Updated)

Last night and this morning we got another six or so inches of snow and with the blowing in the country, most of Jasper County is shut down again. Most area schools are closed and SJC canceled morning classes. (How many days do the Rensselaer schools have to make up? Will they get out for summer before the 4th of July?)

The city streets are in pretty good shape--the snow plows were out in force.
 The wind blew the snow as it fell and on some south facing roofs there are little "snowcicles".
 The window of the new location for Ardent Papers Photography got signage a few days ago, and I realized I could take advantage of the reflection that normally disrupts pictures of windows.
 Owners who left cars parked in the street will have to work to get them out. If the snow from the plows were just a little higher, you might not notice the car in the picture below.
 The most impressive snow pile in the downtown is the one by Fifth Third Bank. It's ten to twelve feet high. How did they get it that high?
 There is a river down there but you might not know it if you did not know that this picture was taken from the Talbert Bridge.
Spring will eventually come. By the end of the month, which is only about three more weeks, the days will be an hour longer. Always look at the bright side of life.

Update: SJC canceled classes for the afternoon too.

Update Thursday: Here are a few more pictures for those readers who are in Florida, California, Arizona, or Texas. I am sure that they will make you wish you were enjoying this fine weather with us.

This Red Cross trailer has 100 cots, 100 blankets, and other supplies for emergency shelters. Let's hope that we do not need to use them.
 Below is the south end of the Walmart parking lot. You can see the top of the (snow-covered) Farm Credit building over the top of the snow piles to the left of the light pole. Since there are no above freezing temperatures in the forecast for the next five days but there is snow, these piles will probably get a bit higher. How long will it take for them to melt?
 Although the sun was bright, the temperature never got to the double digits today.

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