Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Desperately Seeking Springtime

We have had two months of cold and snow, so now that March is almost here, I am looking for signs of spring. I found one today, a yellow flower. I am not sure what kind it is.
 And there is a lot of green around.
 More green, the color of spring.
Spring, the season of birth and rebirth. The days are getting longer--it is not dark at 6:00 in the evening.
Spring vacation is just around the corner at SJC--only a little more than a week away. I saw park workers repairing the backstop at Roth Field this week--that must mean that soon there will be softball games. My brother in St. Paul wrote to say that my niece had appeared in the local news in a piece about potholes, and potholes are a sure sign of spring. And if it is almost spring in Minnesota, summer cannot be far away in Indiana.

We are all going a little bonkers with this brutally cold and snowy winter. Looking at the weather forecast widget on my computer, the highest temperature I see in the next five days is 28. There may be a major snow fall this weekend and I heard some predictions that the first week of March would be even colder than this week.

The river is falling, and each night it records the fall by leaving a ring of ice around the trees that are in the water.
 The formations near the bowstring arch bridge are especially nice.
The Great Lakes were almost 90% ice covered before the recent thaw, which knocked them down into the 60% range. Now they are heading back up--I will keep watching to see if they get up to 90%.

In non-weather news, SJC recently announced an agreement with Ivy Tech that will allow Ivy Tech graduates to earn a degree in business or accounting while taking classes on the Ivy Tech campus.

The group of Shakespearean actors who visited SJC and Rensselaer a few weeks ago blogged about their visit here.

If I were like the Jasper County Historical Society, I could ask if you know where the storm sewer grate in the first picture is located. Hundreds of people walk by it almost every day.

I am sorry for not having something of more importance to write about, but it has been too cold to get out and roam around comfortably and see what is happening. At least the roads are mostly clear of ice or snow--though that may change this weekend.


  1. Thanks for the tongue-in-cheek blog. Nice to smile while I shiver. The pics of ice rings around the trees w/icicles is cool. heh heh

  2. I am going to hunt for the man hole cover. It is quite a lovely one actually..


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