Saturday, February 1, 2014

Plays and, but not in, snow (updated)

February is continuing the miserable weather of January. Right now it is raining outside, but that may turn to freezing rain or snow as the day continues. Be careful if you are driving.

Last night I ventured out to attend the Evening of One Acts presented by the Columbian Players at SJC. As I left, I couldn't help but notice how attractive the lights on the newly-fallen snow were. Winter and snow are fun when you are young and they do not cause inconvenience. How may people have bad memories of snow from childhood? When you get older and have to do things and get places, the snow and winter are not nearly as much fun--the inconvenience overwhelms the beauty.
 Tonight will be the last performance of the plays at SJC. Two of the plays are by Anton Chekov, two are by a contemporary playwright named David Ives, and one is by John Rahe of St. Joseph's College. Between the plays are interludes, snippets and monologues from a party. Four of the five plays are about male-female interactions/relationships. All five are funny and well acted. If you want to get our and the roads are not impassible tonight, consider going to the last performance. (Admission is $5.00)
The SJC spring musical will be Grease on April 10, 11, 12. On February 14-15 a group of professional actors will be presenting Shakespeare's As You Like It. eMbers is offering a special Valentine's Day package of dinner-theater-dessert with the play as the middle part of that package.

Update: Most of the precipitation today has been rain as we have been just south of the snow-rain line. As the result, we have heart-attack snow and slush in the roads. It slush is more spring-like than what we have been seeing, but the forecast is for another very cold week. Here are a couple of pictures take earlier today for those readers of this blog who are enjoying much warmer weather.


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