Wednesday, February 19, 2014

In praise of dirty snow

We have lots of dirty snow around and it is wonderful. After a couple of weeks in which the temperatures have stayed below freezing, it is nice to have melting and the dirtier the snow gets, the faster it melts.
 There have not been many snow men this winter despite all the snow. Maybe the snow has been too deep for easy snowmen.
On Tuesday I noticed two boys waiting at the bus stop a bit before ten o'clock. I asked them it they were sure there was school. They said that they were. I wonder how long they waited there.

The river had some icebergs in it on Tuesday. Despite the melting, it has not risen noticeably. That may change tomorrow when the forecast is for much higher temperatures and rain.
We are not done with winter--Chad at WLFI says we will get some very cold weather to start March.

I missed drive your tractor to school day again this year. It was held on Monday, and a tractor may have been a good choice for a ride as school was let out early because of the snow.

Historical Newton shared some pictures on Facebook of the demolition of the elevator in Goodland.

On Tuesday night I finally attended a county council meeting. It was very short, lasting less than half an hour. There were some motions to change some budgets that had been messed up because of computer error, and a motion to fund additional repairs to the jail for $140,540. There was also some concern about the South Shore Air Show that will be held this July. Officials want to know how it will affect the county and what county services will be needed. They have not gotten answers. (Here is an article about how those to our north perceive the matter.)

Update: Rensselaer Central Schools just posted this on their Facebook page. RSC has canceled school ten days and has delayed school 13 days. Two of the cancellations were waived, two were made up on President's Day and MLK Day. One will be made up on June 1. That leaves five more days to make up. (And there is no guarantee that there will not be more cancellations.)

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