Wednesday, May 14, 2014

An eagle

After a couple of years of hearing about bald eagles in Jasper County, I finally got a picture of one a few weeks ago. I did not know if I should publish it, but since the Rensselaer Republican ran an article on eagles in Jasper County a week or two ago, I decided to share my not very impressive picture. (It is taken with a point and shoot camera that only zooms a little.)
Fifteen or twenty years ago I visited the panhandle of Alaska where eagles where almost as common as house sparrows are here. They were no big deal. But they still are a big deal in Indiana.

Two years ago a pair of eagles raised a brood of young where this eagle is hanging out. Last year a storm blew down their nest and the young were killed. Hopefully they will be successful again this year.

If you are interested in learning more, there are some bird walks in the next couple of weeks--see the events on the calendar in the sidebar. (One of them is tomorrow morning.) The walks are led by one of our local birding experts, and she can tell you a great deal not just about this eagle but about other rare and unusual birds that you can see in Jasper County.

(I saw corn emerging in a field north of Renssleaer on Tuesday. I still am working on getting my garden planted, but I see others that seem completed.)

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