Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Highlights from the commissioners meeting

The county commissioners held their monthly meeting on Monday morning. There were many things on the agenda, but only a few seem worth mentioning here.

The people organizing the Fall Festival at the Fairgrounds wanted permission to have a beer garden. The folks at the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority told them that they thought a beer garden would make the festival more attractive and increase attendance. The commissioners approved their request.

Also at the fairgrounds, there seemed to have been a misunderstanding between the Retired Iron club and the management of the fairgrounds about the use of the Retired Iron Building. The problem was discussed for about ten minutes. Once a building is erected at the fairgrounds, it becomes the property of the commissioners representing the county. To reserve a building, one goes through the extension office. And the Retired Iron building is built almost on the property line. There is a five acre section that seems part of the fairgrounds and that is used for parking that is actually privately owned and rented by the fair board. (You can check it on the GIS map.)

Those were the two items that I thought were most interesting. There were a lot of other things discussed, such as the need to do repairs on the court house, and yet another update on the heating and cooling systems of the jail (the repairs should be finished by the beginning of June), and a new law that will keep more convicted prisoners in county jails which most sheriffs do not like but which was pushed by the Indiana Department of Corrections.

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