Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summer is slipping by

It is July, which means that the days are getting shorter even though the days may get a bit hotter. There is a lot going on. I missed the ribbon cutting for Dollar General on Tuesday, but I will try to get there early for the Open House on Saturday. I missed because I had an appointment in West Lafayette, and driving down I kept noticing how tall the corn has gotten. Some of it seems ready to tassel.

Now that Fair Oaks Farms does not have an air show to promote, they have been busy promoting their new restaurant. It will have its grand opening on July 5. Fair Oaks has also given more options for visitors. They can now choose only the pig adventure or only the dairy adventure as well as both adventures.

There are plenty of activities this weekend. Various area communities have festivals or fireworks. On the fifth Rensselaer will have the annual car show and cruise night. This year the Little Cousin Jasper Festival will host a free sock hop in Brookside Park after 8:00. The airport will have the annual fly-in and pork chop dinner.

In a few weeks there will be a big festival in Potawatomie Park, and electrical wiring is being installed to get ready for that.
There are also round picnic tables along the sidewalk.
 The library had a well attended program this morning, and even a small alligator showed up for it. The presentation was by Indiana Wild.
 Tuesday night farmers' markets have begun. On July 8th the program will be the pet parade.

County Fair is a bit more than a week away. I was asked to give a shout out to the Why Not Me luncheon and silent auction that will be held on Friday, July 18 as part of the County Fair. The purpose of the event is to raise money to help people who are going out of the county for cancer treatment.

The water in the quarry has risen over part of the road down into the quarry.
 Here is a closer look. It appears that the road was lined with boulders and they are more visible now than when they were above water.
 And to finish this post, here is a blast from the past--the business is gone, but the sign remains.

1 comment:

  1. Could it be? Is that Nessie's cousin in the quarry???


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