Monday, August 4, 2014


On Saturday night the final curtain fell on the Carnegie Player's production of Once Upon a Mattress. I do not remember seeing the play before, and wondered why someone would base a play  on the very short story of The Princess and The Pea by Hans Christian Anderson. But the story is readily mockable* and that is what the play does. It was very well performed and the woman who played the princess did a marvelous job. I was sorry to see so many empty seats in the theater.
As is usually the case with the Carnegie Players' productions, the sets (there were only two) were marvelous. (For pictures, see here.)

It was also curtain time for thousands and thousands of little fish on Saturday or Sunday. Below is what Weston Lake looked like early on Monday morning. The flies were very happy. I deduced that the water had only very recently dried up because there were still a few tadpoles flopping around in the middle of all the dead fish.
Have you noticed that the days are getting a bit shorter? School will soon be starting, and that means that the doors will soon close at LaRue Pool. August 11 will be the last week day, but the pool will open, weather permitting, on the August 16-17 weekend. The sign at the pool suggested that it might possibly be open also on the 23-24 weekend, but the park superintendent did not say anything about that at the park board meeting on Monday night.

*Even I could not resist having some fun with the Princess and the Pea when I wrote my princess stories.

1 comment:

  1. All those dead fish are going to stink. Also, the raccoons are going to have the time of their lives.


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