Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cartoons at the Carnegie Center

The current show at the Carnegie Center is a bit different from the usual show. It features a few of the cartoons of Dave Sattler who has been drawing cartoons for the Lafayette Journal and Courier for 46 years. The pictures included in the exhibit have a brief explanatory note at the bottom explaining the context.
Do the Rensselaer police ticket for unremoved snow?
 A comment on city slickers. (Does people still use this term?)
 I suspect that Purdue has a much bigger impact on the Lafayette area than SJC has on Rensselaer.


  1. You picked cartoons well. I have two favorites. One has to do with ISTEP and the other one is Peyton Manning's football jersey flying at half staff on the Indiana Capitol building.

  2. Visit the display at the Jasper County Historical Society Museum to see Indiana Historical Society's Indiana Cartoons and Cartoonists through October 17th.


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