Friday, September 26, 2014

Finishing the highway

I was wrong in my last post to suppose that the DOT was finished with Grace Street. Yesterday work began on the westbound lane.
When the trucks were there, progress was fast. By noon work was almost finished.
There has been a lot of pavement sealing in Rensselaer lately. For the past few days parts of the parking lot at the College Mall have been taped off so they can be sealed.

I missed the Homecoming parade due to another commitment. Looking at the floats at the high school today, I thought the senior class had the best one. Where did they get the coffin?
 The Van Rensselaer Street is being prepared for Oktoberfest.
I believe that one of the items around that court house that will be fixed in this round of repairs is the retaining wall. There are spots in it that are in bad shape.
The ash trees are beginning to turn. I think fall would be my favorite season if it were not that it ushers in winter.


  1. There was so much "extra" traffic on Hwy 16 today, I figgered somethin was goin' on on 114.

    When I was growing up, the "retaining wall" around the courthouse was called the "coping." Folks sat there on Saturday night to visit--mostly the farm guys, I think, while their wives did the weekly grocery shopping.

  2. I remember sitting on the coping too, especially those Saturday nights when concerts were played by the band from the North-side courthouse porch. That was during the 1940s.

  3. EVERYBODY, as a kid, has had to walk on the coping around the Courthouse....


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