Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Eleven. That is how cold it was this morning according to the weather station in downtown Rensselaer, and that is rounding up because the actual reading was a bit less than eleven. The temperature and the strong wind made being outside miserable. It was cold enough so that there was even some ice along the banks of the Iroquois River as well as in the river itself.
 Yesterday the detour signs went up on SR 114. When I took the picture below in the morning there were trucks coming from the west, so the road probably was not yet closed.
Jackson's Funeral Home is doing some remodeling.
I am sure there are other things happening, but it is too cold to go out and look for them. In fact it is so cold that the brake line on my bike froze up. (What that means is there is a bit of moisture in the brake cable casing for the back wheel and the cold temperatures have turned that moisture to ice so the cable will not move. But it sounds more ominous to say that my brake line froze up.)

It is a good day to stay inside and bake.
Update: I do not usually do crime stories, but this press release from the sheriff's office is too good to pass up.

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