Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Felling trees and other news from SJC

Practical Tree Service has been busy at SJC, cutting down and trimming dozens of trees.
 Some were dead and some were damaged.
 The campus will look different next spring. The administration says they will plant two trees for each one cut down.

Actually, SJC has planted a lot of trees in the past few years, but almost all of them are decorative crabs and similar trees, trees that only grow to about twenty feet. A few years ago most of the trees just to the south of the tennis court were removed and nothing was planted to replace them. We will see what they do.

The students will be leaving in the next two days, and the student art exhibit in the Core lobby will be removed. It is fun to see what kind of exercises the various classes had. Pottery 1 was supposed to make a pot in the style of the Greek amphoras. Some were quite good.
 Vanitas paintings date back at least to the glory days of Dutch painting. There were quite a few on display, not just from painting classes but also from drawing classes.
One annual event that was missing this year was the Christmas band concert. I hope it will be back next year.

SJC is searching for its next president. In the past week or two four candidates have been on campus for interviews. Sometime next semester there should be an announcement of who gets the job. In other personnel news, the head football coach has left to take a position in Florida. One of the assistant coaches has been hired to replace him.

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