Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gaudete Sunday 2014

Today is the third Sunday of Advent--we are past the midpoint of Advent for those of you who watch these things. The signs of Christmas are all over. On Friday I saw the owner of one of our floral shops delivering a Christmas decoration to a grave and I asked her how she found the graves. She said that most of her orders were standing orders, and that sometimes when she does not get paid, it is because the person who has the order has gone to his or her grave. There are quite a few graves in Weston Cemetery that have Christmas-themed decorations.
On Saturday I got up a bit too late to get good pictures of the Rudolph Run that started and ended in Brookside Park. Many of the people finishing had very festive clothing on. Decorating with appropriate clothing is part of the fun of that race. (The weather for the race was a lot better this year than last.)

Later in the day I stopped by Walgreens to check on an old movie I sent off to have digitized. It was not in yet, but I did get to see Santa taking Christmas orders from kids. There was a lot more screaming than laughing. As I left a little boy was desperate to get away from Santa and back to his mother. The Santa experience can be traumatic.

As I was getting close to home, I stopped to listen to some Christmas carolers.  I suspect I was the only bicyclist that received their joyous serenading.  The carolers were from the Faith Pentecostal Church of God.
There are a lot of very attractive Christmas light displays around town. Unfortunately I do not have a camera that can do them justice.

The high school has its Christmas band and chorus concerts on Tuesday starting at 7:00 pm  and the middle school will have a mini-musical on Thursday starting at 6:15 pm.

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