Saturday, February 7, 2015

February thaw

Below is the view from one of my windows on Friday night. Today the icicles are gone thanks to the warmer weather.

I have not been out much lately. It is not the icicles that are barring my way or the cold that has imprisoned me. Much more important is the condition of the city streets, which have been icy and treacherous.  I also have not been in the mood to write much--I will blame the weather for that too. However, spring is only six weeks away according to the new sign at Dr Balvich's office.
 Pizza Hut has finished remodeling. I had meant to post the picture below a week ago. Now the trailer is gone.
Also in the College Mall, work continues on the remodeling of office space for Help at Home.

According to the monthly newsletter of the Jasper County Economic Development Organization, IBEC has opened its fuel pump east of town. I have not been out there lately to check it out.

There are several county meetings next week. On Monday at 9:30 the County Commissioners will open bids for the demolition of the old Johnny Rusk Building. I will try to attend to see what else is happening.

Another picture from a week or two ago that I never got around to posting shows a diminished pile of rock being loaded onto a truck at the Babcock Quarry. That pile is now gone, but there are still a couple of other piles in the western part of the lot. I wonder how much longer they will be able to load trucks.
Enjoy the thaw--winter is not over and we will get some more cold weather before spring arrives.

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