Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Day 2015

We are having some normal February weather this week. It began snowing on Saturday night and it was still snowing a bit this morning. Even with blue skies above us, there was a trace of snow falling. The temperature on Sunday was just at the freezing mark, so the snow was heavy and sticky, ideal for snowmen. I saw several as I wandered around a bit this morning.

There was not a lot of traffic. The schools, including St. Joes, are closed. The public schools get to test e-learning. They are probably happy that this closure will not have to be made up. The roads were snow and ice covered and very slippery in spots. Spots on the road that were wet yesterday have frozen and been covered with light, fluffy snow, so it is hard to see where the road will be treacherous. Most of the people who were out were removing snow, either by hand, with a snow blower, a small utility vehicle, or a pickup truck.

The bright sun and newly fallen snow created a lot of pretty scenes if you did not mind the cold and inconvenience of trudging through about six inches of snow.

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