Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Slow start

My week is off to a slow start. It is chilly and windy, which makes working outside uncomfortable.

I saw a tree frog in my back yard over the weekend. It was not blending in very well.
 On the south side of town, there is a big dumpster by what used to be Ricos. The for sale sign is down, but their website still lists the property and the county GIS map still has the previous owners.

On Monday there was no work being done on the street extention in Drexel Park, but the big holes on either side of Drexel Drive had been filled in.

The water in the quarry has covered the turn.
 There is still a lot of equipment in the quarry, though at the slow rate that the water is rising, there is plenty of time to remove it.
 Workers are working on the steps on the southwest entrance to the Court House, one of the exits that is no longer used since all traffic was required to go through the northeast entrance.
 Columns are rising in by the city parking lot on Front Street.
The agenda for the County Council meeting tonight looks uninteresting. I received an e-mail telling me that the School Board meeting may see a retirement announcement from a long-time teacher.

That is all I have--it has been a slow start to the week.

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