Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I went to two meetings on Tuesday afternoon, for the Rensselaer Redevelopment Authority and the Rensselaer Redevelopment Commission. The two meetings were to hold public hearings regarding the rebidding or financing of the fire station. There were no public comments. One of the groups did not have enough members to allow them to approve their last minutes. The two meetings took a total of ten minutes and accomplished nothing other than meeting some legal requirements (which is important).

I went to another meeting on Tuesday evening. The group that established the community garden is trying to reorganize. They lost the land that they were using--the church that owns it wants to build on it. If you are interested in the community garden, the next organizational (or re-organizational) meeting will be May 4 at 6:00 in the Extension Office (which is in the county annex north of town on the west side of the highway).

Speaking of gardening, I saw a toad in my garden today. He or she is welcome to spend the summer. Lots of people seem to be starting garden work.

The Court House was getting it windows washed this week. Yesterday as I watched the window washers work on the other side of the building, I noticed that someone was mowing the grass, a sure sign that winter is over.
 This morning the rail crew was finishing the paving of the Scott Street rail crossing. All the other crossings were open. However, it looks as if there are plans to repair some of the crossings that were not closed last week--there are piles of stone and wood by them and also cuts in the pavement.

On Vine Street finishing touches were being applied on Tuesday to the new place to store stuff. Workers had poured concrete for the approaches and were installing the dividers.
Today's Rensselaer Republican noted the closing of Larry's Shoes with an report that Superior Sales and Service, a bit east of the storage lockers shown above, had bought the business's inventory. Red Wing boots will still be sold in Rensselaer.

If you do not want to store your stuff, you can donate it, but do it before noon on Thursday. The Birthright Rummage Sale takes place this weekend and the pile seems bigger this year than it has been in the past few years.
 The pile will be sorted onto tables by Friday morning when the sale begins. Almost nothing is priced--it is sold by the bag at $3 per bag. There are lots of bags ready to fill.
Enjoy the spring weather.

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