Saturday, April 11, 2015

Water rising

I stopped by the quarry today (Saturday) to check the water level. The water is about to cover the landing or turn.

 A closer look:
 A few days ago I asked the mayor who had purchased the old school administration building--the auction took place earlier this week. He told me that no one had--there were concerns about the zoning. Apparently it is zoned R-1 and the bidders wanted to make sure that they would be able to do whatever they wanted to do with the property--probably offices. It will be rebid.

Also being rebid according to the legal notices in the Rensselaer Republican is the fire station. The lowest bid was considerably above the estimates of the engineer. Maybe there will be more information at the city council meeting Monday night.

Spring has definitely arrived--the grass is green, the daffodils are blooming, and even bushes and trees are sprouting leaves, and the toads or frogs are croaking in vernal pools.

The rail crew was not working on Friday--perhaps they work long hours on four days so they can return home for a long weekend. A paving crew was finishing work on the McKinley Street crossing but nothing was happening at the other crossings. I did not check today to see what had been finished. The parade of vehicles that the rail crew uses was lined up on both sides of Melville on Friday. Also lined up was a huge stack of used ties just west of the elevator. There was a little sign on it (the speck of white) that said who owned the ties--meaning that people were not supposed to mess with them.
Have a nice weekend.

Update: As of Sunday morning, Jefferson and McKinley crossings are open; Matheson, Scott, and Webster remain closed.

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