Saturday, June 27, 2015

Last Saturday of June

June has almost gone! How did it slip by so quickly?

I found a street closed sign today that was not for flooding. The Eagles are having a fund raiser to help a family with a baby with a rare medical or genetic condition. Their event goes all day and into the night. Part of it was a motorcycle ride that started about an hour after I took this picture.
 The Farmers Market seemed to have fewer vendors today. However, the SJC gardens were selling  kohlrabi bigger than any I remember seeing. They were the size of softballs or bigger.
There was a big auction at the Fairgrounds today, big enough so the stuff was displayed in two of the buildings. There were old items that I thought interesting, such as these license plates, some of which date back to the 1920s.
When I was a boy, I had a wind-up train similar to this one. That was back in the 1950s, when the arrival of the Christmas catalogs from Sears and Montgomery Ward caused great excitement for children.
 This 80-year-old basketball schedule is in remarkably good shape.
 I wonder when this baby equipment was last used.
 Even older than the basketball schedule is this football schedule that is over 90 years old.
The inch of rain we got yesterday stopped the decline of the river and has it rising again. The Iroquois will set another daily record, easily surpassing the 1968 flow of 1190 cubic feet per second with a flow of 2100 cubic feet, give or take 50 cubic feet. Although the river is rising, College Avenue and Lincoln Street are both open. At its low point only the center of College is dry so cars are taking turns using the center rather than splashing through in their own lanes.

The corn in the fields is remarkably varied from field to field and within fields. Some of it is over a yard tall and looks great. A few rows away may be some that is only a foot tall, is yellow green, and looks awful. Where the water has been standing too long, there is no corn.

The river will break all its records this month. It will set records for biggest one day flow, biggest three day flow,  seven day flow, fifteen day flow, and monthly flow. July of 2003 averaged an amazing 1438 cubic feet per second; 2015 will easily beat that. There are already 14 days with stream flow greater than 2000 cubic feet per second and another six with values between 1670 and 2000, and it seems likely that the rest of the days of the month will exceed 1500 cubic feet per second.

1 comment:

  1. the baby equipment was used in 1918 and then later as a toy to transport bears etc.


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