Thursday, June 25, 2015

More rain (updated)

The start of the rain woke me up this morning at about 3:00 am. A look at the radar suggests we will be getting a lot--the rain stretches back into Iowa. I found a couple of forecasts for the river (they are based on the same forecasts, but displayed differently) here and here. They predict that the river will rise again to almost the levels that we experienced last week. I hope they get revised downward and we get less rainfall than predicted.

Here is another graph with another peak. It shows visitors to this blog in June. The spike is for the first posts on the major flooding, posts that were shared by many people on Facebook. The total number of visitors was almost 8000, far more than this blog has ever had in a day.

Time to go back to bed and see if I can get any sleep.

Update: We got less rain than predicted so now the forecast is that the river will continue to decline after a slight pause.

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