Thursday, June 4, 2015


School is out and it is time for summer library programs. The Rensselaer branch of the JCPL had a lot of people enjoying ice cream as it started its summer reading program this week.
 I was picking rhubarb in my back yard when I met a little tree frog. I decided not to disturb it--I like frogs and toads in my back yard.
 Speaking of frogs and toads, the wetland east of Weston Cemetery filled up with water after the recent heavy rain and it has attracted a new group of amphibians that are making lots of noise in the evening.

Last year a conservation group planted a rain garden in Potawatomie Park. Some of the plants are now blooming, such as the foxglove.
 There is also coreopsis and honeysuckle.
 The purple flow is a wild iris called Blue Flag. It was once very common in this area because it is a wetland plant.
 After checking out the rain garden, I decided to see what was blooming in the detention pond of the water treatment plant by Iroquois Park. Along the way I noticed what looked like snow on the mud.
 Of course it was not snow. The cottonwood trees along the river are shedding seeds.

The pond still had some water from the weekend rain. The most prominent plant was blue flag and a lot of it was blooming.
 Along the southern bank was a little yellow flower that I did not recognize. The shape of the flower heads suggest that it is in the carrot family.
Tomorrow LaRue Pool opens and more summer fun can begin.


  1. I do love your photos so. Keep it up!

  2. Exactly right, the yellow flower is in the carrot family. They are Golden Alexanders, Zizia aurea. They are a wonderful native plant and are host to caterpillars of the black swallowtail butterfly.


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