Monday, July 27, 2015

Rock the Arts 2015

My visit to Rock the Arts was fairly brief--other obligations kept me busy.
 Food vendors included the Pink Walras (hidden by the tend on the left), Martins, Lions, and Rotary. All of them had been at the county fair on Friday.
 There were a lot of booths selling art and art-related items.
 A giant kaleidoscope entertained both kids and adults.
 I think this was an elaborate tin-can or string telephone. Of else it could be inspired by the dome of silence from the Get Smart television series. (Not everyone reading this may be old enough to remember that series.)
 There were eight bands scheduled to perform. I am not sure which one this was.
 This group was with Xoe Wise. As she was performing, the thunder of an approaching storm could be heard. I left to avoid the rain. I heard later that the rain did not seriously affect the festival. It was fairly brief and total rainfall was not much.
There were about a hundred people signed up for the 5K glow run, so that will probably be back on the schedule for next year. A fair number of out-of-town visitors came to the event, one of the goals of the Tourist Commission.

Visit Rensselaer has many more pictures here.

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