Thursday, July 9, 2015

Some more pictures of water

I got out to look for water late this morning. I had no problems finding it. SJC has several new reflecting ponds. This one curls around the track and ends up next to the houses on Charles Street.

 There is a lot of standing water on the east side of town.
 If there are games scheduled at Columbia Park for this week, they may be postponed or canceled.
 Walnut Street near Prompt Ambulance is under several inches of water.
 The parking lot at American Melt Blown (the old Schumacher Electric building) also had several inches of water, as did the parking lot at the Care Center. However, the parking lot at CDC Resources did not have as much water as it did early in the last round of flooding.
 Some people are really prepared.
 Not everything is unhappy with the water. The geese that hang out near Donaldsons seem content, and I am again hearing frogs singing in various ponds.
 The rain is delaying construction of the new fire station. The earth moving equipment is ready to go, but the ground is probably all muck.
The stretch of the highway that I showed in the last post is now dry. The city is busy pumping water out of the College and Front intersection. And the river looks like it will get above 13 feet. It will not set any daily records because twelve years ago we were into the huge flood of July 2003.

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