Friday, July 24, 2015

The next big thing

This is the last day of the county fair, but preparations are already underway for the next touristy event, Rock the Arts, which will being at 2:30 on Saturday in Potawatomie Park. The weather has cooperated and the park has dried out so that the alternative of having the festival in the city parking lot is not needed. Nonetheless, the decorative facade for the parking lot was finished this week with the installation of the iron fencing.
 On the other side of the bowstring bridge the port-a-potties were being set up
 as was seating for the musical performances that will be pretty much non stop.
 Speaking of parking, earlier this week I was in Indianapolis to meet people at the airport. While waiting in their cell phone lot, I noticed that there were spaces for handicapped parking. I have been trying to figure out why handicapped parking is needed in a cell phone lot and have not come up with any answers. So I ask you, why is handicapped parking needed in a cell phone lot?


  1. Although I am no expert on parking lots, I imagine that a public place is required by the Americans With Disabilities Act to always have parking designated for the disabled. Many things the government does make very little common sense.

  2. I am somewhat experienced with the requirements spelled out by the ADA and yes, public facilities must have designated accessible parking.

  3. Situations could arise that would require a disabled person to get into, out of or away from their vehicle, immediately in some instances. To do so would require adequate spacing between their vehicle and the vehicles parked beside it. Their wheelchair or cart might be effectually "locked" in their car, along with them!
    Additionally, and from personal experience, I know that cell-phone communications are not 100% reliable in major airport parking lots. One might have to get out of the car and walk somewhere for help....


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