Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Odds and ends, beginning of August

I had some other commitments over the weekend and in to Monday. I missed the Carnegie Players production of Oklahoma and the Commissioners meeting on Monday morning, but did make the Drainage Board meeting in the afternoon. Two items were especially interesting. Rose Acre Farms had their drainage plans approved for a transfer facility where the old Carson Inn used to be at the US 231 and I 65 interchange. From what was said it seems the primary purpose of the facility will be bio security. Rose Acre trucks will deliver eggs to one end of a building and other trucks will pick them up at the other end to deliver to market. With the facility, outside trucks will be kept away from Rose Acre farms. The facility will handle the eggs from the northern Indiana Rose Acre farms. There is a special meeting of the BZA for August 10 at 7:00 to discuss the variance and exemption that Rose Acres needs to build the facility--the item was on the agenda of the last BZA meeting but could not be acted on because the legal notices had not been published.

The other item was the drainage proposal for the First Reformed Church of DeMotte, which is building a new church at the SR 10 US 231 intersection. Moving dirt has already begun and it looks like a big project. The site is 34 acres and the retention pond is bigger than required--the size and shape were chosen for aesthetic reasons. After discussion of where the water goes after it leaves the property, the proposal was approved.

There were other items involving various ditches and tiles that are of interest only to those directly affected.

Other things: I noticed a flyer at Strack and Van Til that Uber now has a local presence. So taxi service has returned to Renssealer. Fair Oaks Farm has a "super secret project" project under construction. Since the text ends with the words "cluck, cluck," my guess is that it is a poultry project. I heard from someone in the know (I do not remember exactly who or when) that FOFs was considering a small egg-laying exhibit. Given the recent problems with poultry viruses, a full-scaled egg-laying facility might not be a good idea.

Remington is nearing completion of its Splash Park and will hold a ribbon cutting on Aug 8 at 10:30, after which the splashing will begin. Admission is free and its programmed to be operable from 9 am until 10 pm. It is in the Remington Community Park on the northwest side of the town.

The August issue of the JCEDO newsletter highlights Kaeb Sales, the new dairy supply store at the intersection of SR 49 and SR 14 and a new Family Dollar store in DeMotte at Halleck and Division. Kaeb Sales relocated from Pulaski County.


  1. So many meetings that we have not the time to attend but which affect our lives are covered by YOU for us.......thank you for keeping us informed and updated.....


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