Monday, September 28, 2015

OktoberFest 2015

OktoberFest 2015 had beautiful weather that brought out a big crowd.
This is the last of the festivals for the year: Cruise Night, County Fair, Rock the Arts, Fall Festival, Little Cousin Jasper, and finally OktoberFest. Did I miss any?

I saw that Visit Rensselaer was taking lots of pictures so I felt free to leave my camera in my pocket. If you want to see a lot more pictures, go here.

Earlier in the day I saw one of the food booths driving down the street. Naturally I took a picture.

In another change, Gilmore Green Acres will no longer being selling produce except for strawberries--they are retiring. Here is their statement from Facebook:

"Today is bitter sweet. Some customers hugged me and made me cry. After 32 years of raising produce we are planning on retiring. We still have the strawberry fields, so we still plan on selling strawberries next spring. But God willing, no produce. Time to enjoy life. Thank you all for many years of patronage to Us. We love and appreciate all of you."

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