Thursday, September 10, 2015

On stage

I was the guest speaker at the Chamber of Commerce lunch on Wednesday. I am not sure exactly why I was chosen, but my task was to talk a bit about blogging and get the people in attendance ready for some homework, trying to come up with ways from A to Z that make Rensselaer great. (My table came up with one for Q but could not manage a Z, X, or J.)

The invitation gave me a chance to reflect a little about blogging. I began this blog almost seven years ago. I initially was introduced to blogging by my daughter, who has the Desert Survivor blog you can see in the sidebar. It was her name of Desert Survivor that led to the name I use to sign posts, Dessert Survivor. I thought it was funny. I am not sure anyone else ever has.

Lots of people have started blogs but mosts blogs end after a short time. Blogging is a hobby. There are no financial rewards to blogging unless you are really big. Also, Facebook provides an alternative to blogging. The advantage of Facebook is that it is much easier to build an audience. There are, however, disadvantages. Posts tend to get lost in the mix of other posts, it is harder to do longer posts, and Facebook does not allow easy retrieval. I try to take advantage of Facebook's strengths by linking to my blog posts from the Rensselaer Adventures Facebook page.

There were about thirty five people at the lunch and I recognized almost all of them. I learned from one of the SJC people that the Office of Institutional Advancement (Development) will soon be moving from Xavier Hall to Drexel Hall. The Adult Education that was in Drexel Hall is now in the Chapel basement. I also met and talked with a lady that I had not seen before. She was a marketing representative for Iowa Pacific, the company that runs the Hoosier State passenger train four days a week. I asked why the trains had engines on both ends and she said that the pushing by the back engine in addition to the pulling of the front engine gives a smoother ride, and having two engines avoids having to turn around. The Hoosier State is the first Amtrak line that Iowa Pacific has taken over. The company offers some other passenger service, but most of it is tourism, people riding vintage trains or in vintage train cars. The company is run by a couple of guys who came from Iowa, and that is the only reason Iowa is in the name. The name does not at all tell you about the company. For that information, visit their website (which still does not have the Hoosier State listed.) From what she and Linda C were saying as they left, it seemed to me that this lady may be the guest speaker at the October Chamber lunch.

I needed a picture today and I found one by visiting the Court House, where Little Cousin Jasper is being set up.
 While I was there emergency vehicles were rushing by. A truck did not turn at the end of Washington and ran into the Medical Arts building. I am not sure if anyone was hurt, but there were multiple ambulances and many firetrucks at the scene.
 As I was going there, I noticed that the old gas station a block south on Washington had a new tenant. It turns out the new tenant is an old tenant. About five years ago Paul Auto Repair was in the same place. The owner had tried some other jobs but decided he wanted to go back to his own auto shop.
 The other day I took a picture of the sign outside BB's Crafts and More and I meant to post it with another post, but forgot. Here it is.
One of the things I realized as I prepared for the Chamber lunch was how my posts have changed over time. I originally did lots of small posts that kept to one subject. Now most of my posts are like this one--they ramble all over the place.


  1. I don't know if I would consider it rambling, but I do consider it a great source of information. Please keep up the good work.

  2. I will second the previous do a wonderful job of keeping us all updated on our area. THANK YOU again.....Butch Claussen

  3. I so appreciate the way you keep us up to date as to what is going on in town! Even tho I've been gone for over 12 years, I feel a part of the town! Thank you!


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