Friday, September 18, 2015

RCHS Homecoming parade

The annual RCHS Homecoming parade took place on Thursday evening. There were lots of kids along the route--the point of parades is for them to collect candy. Some of them had big hopes.
 The grand marshal for the parade was Margo Roberts. Behind her you can see the RCHS flag corps and band.

Each class has a float. The one that seemed to me to most on the mark was the freshman float. Who knew that freshmen knew what the Dephi Oracle was? (This picture was taken at the line up of the parade.)
 The junior float had the prediction idea but with a Las Vegas theme, not a Greek theme. The candy grabbing kids only cared about how much candy was coming their way.
 The FFA had a float with a cute crepe paper fire.
 The sophomore class wanted to round up the oracles. On the bikes behind them were the cross county teams.
 Candy! Each homecoming queen candidate was in a convertible.
The senior class float featured a bunch of senior girls in pajamas. I never did figure out what the theme was. Behind them came the fire trucks with the football team.
 One of several trucks with football players or cheerleaders.
The boys with the high hopes and the garbage bag ready for candy seemed to have had a good night, though they did not fill the bag.


  1. "little" Margo Merriman Roberts as grand marshal, wow, I have been away from Rensselaer a long time. I'll be back there in October.

  2. Margo is a Grand Marshal.


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