Monday, September 14, 2015

Some pictures from the Little Cousin Jasper Festival

Another Little Cousin Jasper Festival has come and gone. The people who put this on do a tremendous amount of work to make the Festival what it is.

One attraction this year was the mechanical bull.
 For the kids, motorcycles with training wheels.
 The pony rides were in the lot where the Fendig Drugstore once stood. It was good that it was away from the rest--the ponies had the normal horse odor.
 There were lots of groups providing entertainment and I saw only a few. The Pop Warner cheerleaders were on stage on Saturday morning.
 Sheltered Reality, a drum group, was on the street stage on Friday night. The cold weather kept the size of the crowd down.
 The Iroquois Harmonizers were excellent, as always.
Not on the program was a mariachi band that played at Adya's. It was outside for a while and then I think they were told by the Festival people to play inside because they were competing with a musical act playing in the gazebo.
The band in the gazebo was the New Vision Band.
There seemed to be more food vendors this year. There were about the same number of booths selling merchandise. The booth that gave bunnies away as prizes was back. I suspect there were a few unhappy parents when their children came home and announced that they had just won a cute bunny.

This weekend both the high school and the college have homecoming. The weekend after is Oktoberfest. September is a busy month.

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