Saturday, October 17, 2015

First frost

I did not see any frost outside when I woke up this morning, but the leaves of my sweet potato plants (which flowered this year--that was the mystery flower on a post a month or so ago) showed that the temperature had dipped below freezing. These leaves will be black by tomorrow.

 It is supposed to be even colder tonight and then we will get a warm up.

I went to the presidential inauguration at SJC yesterday. I enjoyed seeing the academic procession under the blue sky with trees turning yellow and red in the background.
 There was a ceremony with music, readings, ritual, and speeches. The chapel was full. Many of the sports teams had all their members there.

After the ceremony there was a reception in the big tent shown in the last post. I talked to several people, including a former student who has done well since graduating about eight years ago. I was slightly embarrassed because I could not recall his name, something that happens to me frequently.
Enjoy the nice weather and the colorful leaves. Tempus fugit.

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