Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas parade 2015

I decided I should try to get some pictures of the set up of the Christmas Parade because taking pictures of the parade itself, with moving objects in dim light, usually does not yield good pictures. The staging area was the old Monnett School area, where most parades are organized.
4H had a float and the 4Hers were probably posing for someone else when I passed by.
Some things that are obvious when the parade is organized are usually missed when watching the parade. How many people look at what is behind the vehicles.
I am not sure if this entry was representing the SPAW or the animal shelter. My guess is the first.
Below is the completed float from CDC Resources. It had a lot of detail that was hard to see if you only saw it in the parade.
The most important ingredient in any parade is the candy. The back of the CDC Resources float had plenty of candy to give to or throw to the parade watchers.
 The Grinch was on the float for Crossroads Auctions. In the background you can see the 4H float.
 Trinity United Methodist Church has had Nativity floats for the past few years with sheep, a donkey, and a camel. They did not disappoint those who expected a repeat performance this year.
As the twilight deepened, the parade started. Near the front were fire trucks and emergency vehicles. One of the fire trucks was from Remington, which held its Christmas parade in the afternoon.
 Big Dog Rentals featured Snoopy.
I did not see the Abate float during the set up. If there was a prize for the most lights, it may have won it.
 In some of the past Christmas parades, Santa has ridden in a horse drawn carriage. This year he was on top of a fire truck.
There was a lot more, but a dozen pictures is enough for this post. (And most of my other pictures weren't very good.)

(More pictures here and here and here. Click the arrows to see all of the pictures.)

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