Monday, January 18, 2016


The temperatures dropped below zero last night and there is now ice on the river, the first ice I have noticed this year. From the Talbert Bridge one could not see water flowing. Yesterday there was no ice on this stretch of the river.
There was water flowing a few hundred yards upstream at the eastern end of the cemetery.
There are several inches of ice on the what is left of Weston Lake. It looks like it would be ideal for skating. In a few days it will, if the forecast is correct, have several inches of snow on it and no longer work well as a skating rink.
The annual MLK day march from the court house to the SJC campus has been canceled. Instead there will be a symbolic march in the Core Building at 12:30. I was looking forward to seeing how many students would brave the bitter cold.

Have you noticed that daylight is lasting a little longer now in the afternoon?

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