Friday, June 24, 2016

A farewell party

On Thursday afternoon the airport held a farewell party for Brad Cozza, who has been airport manager for the last three years. In those years he has had a significant impact on the community.
I arrived too late to get a picture of the uncut cake but it is pretty clear what it said.

One of his accomplishments during his stay as airport manager is highly visible, the new fuel farm.
At the County Council meeting on Tuesday, he was asked about the capacity of the new tanks compared to the old ones. The old tanks held 3500 gallons of aviation gas and 2000 of jet fuel. The new tanks hold 12,000 gallons of each.

The Airport Authority Board has interviewed candidates for the position but at this time do not have a new manager. Their next meeting is July 6, but there may be a special meeting before that.

In other news, the strong storm that raced through Wednesday night knocked down some branches and trees but apparently did not do any serious damage. We had the power go off and then a few seconds later go back on, always annoying but just annoying. In Weston Cemetery workers were cleaning up after part of a large maple tree fell.
Even though we got about an inch and a half of rain on Wednesday, the Iroquois river is lower than it normally is at this time of the year.

The agendas for the BZA and the Jasper County Planning Board were posted outside of the Commissioners Room on Tuesday night. The Rose Acre variance is back on the agenda for the BZA and also request for a special exception for the construction of a meteorological tower in Gillam township. It is a tower that measures wind speeds and is a first step when a wind farm is built. So there remains interest in placing a wind farm in Jasper County. The two boards meet on Monday night at 7:00 pm in the Court House.

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