Monday, July 11, 2016

A busy Saturday

Saturday was an unusually busy day and to make it more busy, we had guests. In the morning we watched cars arriving at the JC Cruiser car show in Brookside Park. Their Facebook page said that they had 137 entries.
I did not stay very long because I wanted to see the ribbon cutting at You'll Never Guess at 10:00 am. Below you see the "ink" of their printing process.
The big moment.
The offices have been much changed since a couple weeks ago when I visited. I did not stay around after because there was another ribbon cutting that morning, at the airport for the new fuel farm. The ribbon cutting was part of the annual fly in.

I got to the airport earlier than I expected so I walked around and talked to people. I met the new manager of the airport, who is currently living in Kansas and will assume duties on August 1.

 I was happy that I did not have to buy aviation fuel for my car.
There were a great many people at this ribbon cutting because there were a lot of people who at one stage or another contributed to the project. (You can get a bigger version of the picture by clicking on it but it is not a great photo. The center of the picture is in focus but the edges are not.) Among public officials who were there I recognized Mayor Wood from Rensselaer, Gerrit DeVries from the Jasper County Council, Doug Gutwein, our State Representative, and Todd Rokita, our Congressman.
Not everyone snipped at the same time.
The medical evacuation helicopter left not too long after 11:00. I think they had a call.
My guests wanted to pick blueberries, so after the pork chop dinner at the airport, we drove north and picked several gallons of blueberries. On the way back, I stopped at the new location of Sydney Jacobs Auto LLC. I discovered that the company has been selling cars for several years from the old Schumacher Building but the signage there suggested a different name. The owner of the company is a fan of old Chrysler and Dodge cars, so it is appropriate that he has relocated to part of the former Chrysler-Dodge dealer building.

In the afternoon my young guests wanted to swim, so we did that. There were a number of events in town that we missed, including the The Farmers Market and the High School Band yard sale and dinner fund raisers.

In the evening we missed Cruise Night because we attended the Fendig Theaters production of The Wizard of Oz. I was reluctant to put a picture on the blog--there were so many really good photos posted on Facebook.
The play ran three nights and every performance was oversold. Perhaps a fourth night will soon be added--for many years there were only two nights. The costumes and the set were spectacular. (I was especially impressed with the apple-tree costumes.) Every community has some things for which it can be proud and I think the excellence of the Children's Summer Theater is one of those things for which we can be proud. (Summer Swim team is another.)

There were too many events happening on one day.

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