Monday, July 25, 2016


The Fendig Gallery at the Carnegie Center has a new art exhibit that will run through Sept 9. Called "Cycles", it features art from four artists with connections to Rensselaer. You can read about the artists on the Prairie Art Council's website, here.

The reception for the exhibit was held on July 22 and had a large crowd.
 Many of the works on display are sculptures or ceramics. This large face greets visitors as they enter the gallery.
 If you go around the back, you see this.
 This would probably scare some of my grandkids.
This painting is titled, "After Birth Earth".
 This teapot is an upside down bird. One person suggested that it was a pelican. I objected that pelicans have webbed feet, so it could be a hummingbird. She was not persuaded.
Notice the table for the display. It and a number of other tables were specially made for this exhibit.

It is a fun exhibit, so check it out. The gallery is open from noon until 2:00 pm Monday through Friday.

PS: Rock The Arts festival is coming this week. The web page for the event, here, has video clips of all the musical groups that will be performing.

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