Saturday, July 16, 2016

Odds and Ends, July 16, 2016

CTS Tire is having an open house this morning (Saturday). It was bigger than I expected, with part of Front Street closed off.
 It may be a bad day to need tire repairs.
 There was an Indy race car with "Do Not Touch" signs on it. However, you could drive a race car simulator. I tried it and found that I most definitely am not ready for the race circuit.
 The kids can enjoy a bounce house.
There are also drawings for a variety of things, from tires to tee shirts.

I saw a horde of middle school runners this week. Coach Yeager said that he has 43 kids in his summer running group.

I mentioned in an update to the last post that the bowling alley has reopened with the old ownership but new management.

If you like prairie restoration, there is a small one by the sewer treatment plant west of SJC.

There was also some yellow coneflower and poison ivy. I think this flower is rosinweed.
There is a picnic bench next to restoration. Some of the people will get a view of the flowers.
Those on the other side will see the sewage plant and its nicely maintained lawn.
The corn is tasseling and looking very good.
Back on the SJC campus, on Thursday I passed by when some of the rooms in Gallagher Hall had no outside wall.
The view on Friday showed three steps in the renovation process.
There is a lot of work being done in other parts of the campus to get ready for the school year.

I learned this week that Rock the Arts will have an official pizza.
The patio along the street now has benches.
Work starts early at the construction site of the storm water treatment plant along Lincoln Street. On Thursday rebar and forms had been put in place in the eastern pit.
Concrete was poured on Friday morning using the apparatus below. I missed the actual pour but probably would not have been able to see much without getting in the way of workers.
Jackhammering in the western pit continues. The large excavator is completely below ground level.

The County Fair officially opens today (Saturday) but much fair activity has already happened. On Friday the dog judging was done--the dogs do not mix well with some of the other animals so they get a special day. The non-livestock 4-H projects have been judged, and the Fair Queen has been selected and crowned. 

At the fair, the Volunteer Fair will be on Sunday from 4:00 to 7:00 in the Commercial Building and there will be a free health on Monday morning.

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