Saturday, August 6, 2016

It's gone

I have not been in the area of the Babcock Quarry recently, so today I decided to see if the old house was still there. It is not. It must have been removed a few days or weeks ago because there is no trace of it left.
 The water level in the pit keeps rising.
 There are piles of stone in the storage area north of the road.

The masonry work on the building at the high water treatment plant construction site has been completed. Late in the week the remaining blocks were loaded onto a trailer pulled by a city truck and hauled away.
 There is something emerging from the eastern pit. I assume it is a form for a concrete pour.
The western pit seems to be bigger and it contains a lot of rebar in a circular pattern. There were problems with the walls caving in and stone and plastic seems to have been the solution.

On Wednesday I attended part of the Airport Authority Board meeting. It started late because several members were going over budget numbers in the office. While the other members were waiting they discussed several things, mentioning that there was less crop dusting this year because corn prices are low. They also said that traffic to the air show in Oshkosh had been brisk and resulted in a lot of fuel sales.
The meeting began with a presentation from a representative from their fuel supplier suggesting that the airport fuel farm become branded with the Phillips name. There are some benefits to that and no apparent downsides, so the board agreed to become a Phillips dealer.
A second presentation was about a preliminary investigation of establishing an avionics shop at the airport. It would be a private business as Excel Air is or might be a partnership with Excel Air. The board was interested but there are many steps to be taken before this becomes a reality.
The T-hangar contract has been signed with Hamstra. The contractor wanted to know what color the trim of the building should be. 
I suspect there was much more business to discuss, but the sun was setting and I needed to leave. (Have you noticed that the days are getting shorter?)

Voting is now open for the bicentennial bison at the Indiana State Fair.  If you are on Facebook, you need to like the Indiana State Fair in order to vote. You can only vote once every 24 hours. Jasper is currently far ahead of the other bison. Go here for more. (Jasper County is on the second page.)

Tonight will be the final showing of the Carnegie Players' Beauty and the Beast.

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