Monday, September 12, 2016

LCJ Festival Parade 2016

Rensselaer had light rain Saturday morning but fortunately it stopped before the Little Cousin Jasper parade began. Something new and quite spectacular this year was a giant American flag hung over the parade route in honor of those killed by the 9-11 attacks. The ladder trucks of the Rensselaer and Carpenter Township fire departments held the flag.
 No Rensselaer parade is complete without some tractors from the Retired Iron Club.
 The Rensselaer Central High School band sounded good.
 Mr and Mrs Lincoln came to our parade and later in the day they addressed the audience from the stage in front of the Court House.
 Some of the Indiana Bicentennial torch bearers marched.
 Some special kids walked the route.
 There were only two horses in the parade and they were not at the end.

Among the strange vehicles in the parade was a truck from Rensselaer Septic Tanks.
 The South Newton High School band was small but mighty.
 After the final entry had passed under the flags, the firemen carefully lowered the flag, making sure it did not touch the ground.
I expected to see lots of pictures of the parade on Facebook but so far have seen only a few. Maybe I should have taken more.

Usually the Rensselaer Cross Country Invitational runs on the same day as the Little Cousin Jasper Festival. This year it was canceled. There was some water on the course, but should that not have made the course more interesting? I have heard comments that Rensselaer's course is not as much fun to run as some others because it has no hills or other unusual features. This year it had water--the runners should have loved it.
The water on the course was the result of heavy rains on Thursday evening that were on top of an inch of rain on Wednesday morning. The Iroquois River peaked at just below flood stage on Saturday morning but will still set at least three daily flow records.

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