Monday, September 26, 2016

Oktoberfest and more

Rensselaer OktoberFest 2016 had wonderful weather. The event has two bands, one for the old people and one for the younger crowd. The old-people band was a German band and they looked like they were having a lot of fun.
 The old people did not dance but the little kids did.
Visit Rensselaer, which sponsored the event, has more pictures on Facebook plus some videos.

On Saturday I was able to get a picture of what is being constructed by the lift station next to Weston Cemetery. I held the camera up over the fence and clicked.
 Superior Sales has moved to the old Buick Dealership. From the rumors I heard, this move will be followed by some additional changes.
 The sign on the door at their old location informs customers of the move and the sign in front announces an auction for the end of the week.
 I missed the Homecoming parade but saw what was left of the class floats at the football field. The seniors had a float with the slogan, "Torch the Pioneers".  Such a violent thought. Wouldn't that be a microaggression on some college campuses? Or is it OK because most of the pioneers were white?
 It appears that there is a roof on the expansion at National Gypsum. The last few times I stopped by, I could see daylight through the windows.
 There is a dumpster next to what was Devons and it was mostly full on Sunday. It appears that the interior is being remodeled. I have not heard what, if anything, is going in.
I stopped by the Farmers Market on Saturday morning. There were only a few sellers there, though the ones that were selling vegetables had a lot to offer. At the community garden many of the plots have been cleared. We have not had a frost yet so there should be many different plants still producing.

On Monday maintenance began on the gas pipe attached to the Grace Street Bridge. The pipe is being recoated and some of the bolts holding it to the brackets are being replaced.
 What you can see from the road holds a platform below on which the workers can stand.

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