Tuesday, October 25, 2016

City Council 10-24-2016

The City Council had an uneventful meeting on Monday night. It approved the transfer of some funds and ratified a poll taken on October 12 to approve the payment of $493 of closing costs for the Staddon Field property.  It approved the purchase of a lawn mower for the cemetery at a cost of $10,712 and the purchase of a 2016 car for the police department to replace a 2007 car. The net cost of the car after tradein is $23007. In examining the bid, it was noted that there was an extra charge for vinyl back seats—the Police Chief noted that they were easier to clean. The Council gave approval to the City Attorney to negotiate the purchase of a property on Clark that is an insert in Brookside Park. If purchased, the house would be demolished.

There was a discussion of replacing the electric utility manager, who is leaving at the end of the week. The Council approved a salary range for the search. The electric utility is the City’s largest utility with annual revenues of about $11.5 million.

The rest of the meeting was occupied with various reports. The City linemen have cut down 16 trees in Weston Cemetery and are not finished. There will be a celebration/ribbon cutting for the Solar Park on November 1 at 1:15. RSVPs are requested to get a headcount. Several classes of students are expected to attend. The City is looking for land for another solar park. The utility office is gradually making the switch to their new software. The fire department’s rating was improved in its latest evaluation and this should result in lower insurance rates for those living in places like Kelley Green and Curtis Creek. About 60%-65% of street paving is finished. (I keep seeing new paving on streets but have not yet run into the paving crew.) The Redevelopment Committee met earlier in the day and approved letting bids for paving the rest of Drexel Drive and part of Melville. There was an announcement that there will be a ribbon cutting today (Tuesday) at 5:15 for the transfer of Staddon Field but I cannot find anything about the announcement online.

The Chipper is back at work on Matheson Street turning branches into mulch.
Below is what the construction of the new hangar looked like on Sunday.
Tuesday morning more tree removal resumed at Weston Cemetery.
One of the stumps will become another bench.
A mystery solved: The big doors on the building for the high rate treatment plant are there so big chemical tanks can be installed. One arrived Tuesday morning.
The electrical equipment noted a few days ago is now behind the building. It apparently will not be inside the building.

There is a health fair at SJC on Thursday sponsored by SJC and Franciscan Health. I cannot find a link online. It will run from 10:00 am to 2. (I am not impressed with how Franciscan Health publicizes local events.)

The construction on North Melville is by CAC Warehousing. More info is here.

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