Monday, December 5, 2016

Christmas parade 2016 (mostly)

Do you recognize this place?

 On Saturday night Rensselaer had its annual Christmas parade. As usual, it started with a lot of light and noise.
A lot of the parade units were hard to photograph in the low light. You might be able to tell that this was the RCHS band.
 There were two horses and following them a horse trailer.
 The United Methodist Church sponsored a living nativity float with accompanying sheep.
 And they did not forget the camel.
 There was a lot of candy thrown out for the kids. Sometimes it did not get to the edge of the street and was run over and smashed by the floats that followed.

This may have been a John Deere entry. It was perhaps the oddest entry in the parade.
REMC always has lots of lights on their parade entry.
The temperature on Saturday night was chilly, but there was no precipitation.  The snow waited until Sunday.

The picture at the beginning of the post is the lot that Superior Sales and Service once had on Vine Street. As of Sunday morning the main building and one of the two back building were gone and much of the concrete pad for the main building had been ripped out. I have heard rumors that the gas station next to it will be expanding, but I have not heard anything from anyone who can confirm or deny those rumors.

1 comment:

  1. My dad spoke to Shorty. They are building a new building for the station on the superior property and expanding the gas section where the building is now.


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