Saturday, December 10, 2016

It's cold

After a very pleasant fall, winter has arrived. The temperatures have only occasionally risen above freezing in the last week and we may get a lot of snow this weekend. The sun is almost as low in the sky as it can be--we are less than two weeks from the winter solstice.  The event calendars have little on them and will remain mostly empty for a few months. Because of the cold, I have not gotten out much lately.

I did take a bike ride into the county a few days ago, however. I wanted to see the progress on the new hangar at the airport. The steel frame is up.
I rode north on Airport Road and found that the house on the corner of John Deere Road (CR 400s) was no more. It appeared to have recently burned.
Below is what the house looked like in June.
This morning (Saturday) brave runners and walkers participated in the annual Rudolph Run 5K. I asked how many people were running and was told that about 100 registered but some of them had picked up their packets and left because they decided it was too cold to run.
The Library is celebrating the season with a display of Santas in their lobby display case.
At the Commissioners meeting on Monday, Kevin Kelly said that expansions by Belstra Milling and National Gypsum were nearing completion and dirt was being moved at the Hidden View Dairy. He said that inquiries had increased. On the tourism front, the Jasper County Fair is not planning a big name entertainer for 2017. The Tourism Commission is investigating the purchase of a portable stage.

Embers is installing a brick floor for their outdoor area of the eMbers Station. There is a stack of new bricks on the site, but these are old bricks.
Work continues on the high rate treatment plant. The forms have been removed from the smaller circular building. Below you can see the back sides of two of the concrete structures.

Stay warm.

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