Saturday, February 18, 2017

Pictures from south of the tracks

The burned Park View Apartment building is mostly gone. On Friday a large truck was being filled with debris.
 There is a lot less rubble than was there at the start of the week but still enough to fill another truck.
 The shell of the new Marathon station south of the tracks is going up very quickly. This was was it looked like on Wednesday afternoon.
On Friday the exterior was being wrapped.

The exterior of the Elza Street apartments is no longer undergoing changes. The windows and doors are installed. The work seems to be in the interior. However, there is new construction on Mattheson where the foundation of a new house was poured this week.
Monday is Presidents Day and the Rensselaer School students have the day off because they did not need it to make up a snow day. We have had a very mild winter.

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