Saturday, April 1, 2017

A bunch of pictures

Spring is trying to arrive. Some magnolia trees are blooming, including those by the Core Building at SJC. It looks like frost damaged these blossoms.
 Baby chicks are available at the farm stores.
Are you ready to start gardening? A new water tank will be available for use at the community gardens this summer. If you would like to rent a plot, contact the extension office.
 On Saturday the Fairground had an event called Family Resource Day. There were more vendors than people when I was there. Franciscan Health was giving away bike helmets.
 On the way to the Fairgrounds, I noticed that a house was missing.
 It had been vacant for many months and I remembered taking a picture of it, which I found with a bit of searching. The picture was from last June and at the time all the windows had been removed (which is why I thought it worthwhile to take a picture). When it was occupied, the owners had a dog that would always rather aggressively bark at me when I passed by, so it was a house that I noticed.
 I went to the SJC track meet on Saturday, thinking it was the last track meet that SJC would host. However, I was told that this year they will host the Conference meet on graduation weekend.
 I also stopped by the Historical Museum to see if I could take a picture of some of the Indian artifacts that were recently donated. They still had not been sorted or examined by someone who knows about the field.
 While I was there I was pointed to a collection of old newspapers that had been donated. Checking the Internet, I found that it was published from 1891 until 1897. I do not think the library has these on microfilm, so I hope that they can be digitized.
 The steel skeleton for the O'Reilly building is up. This picture was taken Thursday. Workers were on the site today (Saturday).
 Last week the wet weather treatment plant was tested by pumping water through it from the river. The test used two large pumps, shown below. Apparently the tests were satisfactory. The pumps are now gone.
 Also last week, trucks were hauling away some of the excess dirt from the site.
 One day the doors of the building were open so I took a picture of the tanks inside.
 Nearby the City was removing a couple trees from the entrance to Weston Cemetery. (If you look carefully at the picture of the pumps above, you can see the bucket boom in the background to the left of the pumps.) This is an action shot--can you see the falling chunk of wood?
No April Fools post for this year.

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